It's been over a year now...

The last major update on Tiny Land, was the save feature, which saved your current player data, so you could exit the game and keep playing later with the same character. This feature was added on 26 of January, 2021.

From that day, Tiny Land only got a few improvements, and fixes, but no new features, but you, players have asked for a particular feature, and today you shall celebrate.

After over a year of small improvements and fixes, I have finally found the time and courage to implement a major feature:


You can find them in 3 different locations over the map. I really hope they help new players, and also help old players get rid of useless items and get some gold pieces in return.

The feature is not yet perfect, you still can't drop your gold pieces, and no monsters drop gold either, you can only obtain gold by selling items to NPCs. I chose to deploy it like this for 2 reasons:

  1. I need to see if there'll be no bugs or exploits in the current version
  2. I got out of time

But I really hope this first release of the stores be a cool adition and PLEASE, PLEEEASE if you find any bugs, comment down bellow, or create an issue at our Github

Thank you all very much!

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Apr 11, 2022

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